Nutrition for Your Hair

Is your hair getting a healthy, well balanced diet?  Enough water, vitamins, minerals and proteins to keep it growing strong, without breaking, falling out or splitting?  

In order to be at its best, your hair needs a good selection of vitamins to add strength and shine.  Proteins, such as keratin are part of the natural structure of your hair as well.  Protein gives it strength and bounce, prevents if from becoming stretchy or rubbery and also helps your hair grow properly.  Water stops your hair from becoming brittle and prone to breakage.  

If you notice your hair is thinning, breaking or falling out more than a few strands at a time, it could be a sign that your hair diet is not right.  Of-course, lack of nutrition in your hair usually indicates a deficiency for the rest of your body too.  

A good way to balance the needs of your hair is by adding a multi-vitamin to your daily routine.  Your hair and your body will benefit from Vitamins B & A.  It also needs minerals such as zinc, magnesium and calcium to help it grow.  

Protein comes from a wide variety of sources.  The most common is meat, but you can also find protein in fruits and vegetables.  Kiwi fruits are a great source of protein as well as Vitamin C.  Many dairy products are also high in protein.  It’s the protein in your diet that give your hair the majority of its strength.  Lack of protein is usually evident in thin or damaged hair, or an abundance of hair loss.  

Drinking lots of water every day, or eating foods with high water content is also great for your hair.  Just like the rest of your body, hydration balance is extremely important for your hair.  Lacking this, your scalp will become dry and attempt to compensate by producing sebum, a naturally occuring oil designed to hydrate and protect your hair.  Not drinking enough water can cause this gland to overproduce, leaving you with oily hair.  

Providing proper nutrition to your hair is important to keep it growing strong and healthy and prevent hair loss.  Visit your doctor to be tested for a vitamin deficiency if you can’t get your hair in good shape, as this is often a sign of undernourishment.

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